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Welcome to PRBand

Since our foundation, we have been offering reliable public relations services to companies all over the USA.

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Team of experts

PRBand consists of highly experienced and friendly PR managers, online marketers, and consultants.

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Accelerating personal, leadership and team development



Learning, receiving and using Coaching

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Personal, leadership and team development tools

Who We Are?

Our Pillars (Neurscience, EQ and Coaching)

Leadership Development
Professional Coaching Certification
Upcoming Events & Trainings

How we work

Before we start any work, we organize an initial meeting to find out more about what you need.
Setting proper PR campaign goals can help a lot in achieving the desired results and greater success.
After all goals and activities are set and discussed, we start a detailed PR strategy planning procedure.
The tactics are the tools or the action items of the plan. They are the means used to gain an objective.
Before implementing your PR strategy, we need to set a realistic deadline for the project.
When implementing your PR plan, we work with various communication channels to fulfill the set goals.
We use various evaluation methods to find out how successful our PR campaign and methods are.
If your campaign requires any changes or additional PR activities, we introduce them at this stage.

Why Choose Us

We help our clients to get better results by:

  • Helping people connect
  • Create cohesive high performing teams
  • Reduce conflict and increase collaboration
  • Train your managers to become leaders
  • Make your leaders more emotionally intelligent
Total number of regular customers we have worked with.
Percentage of positive reviews submitted by our clients and partners.
Amount of successful projects completed by our team.

We Make Leaders and their companies Grow.

ICS was founded in 2011 to provide top-notch growing experiences with training and coaching on leadership, communications, collaboration,
and personal development.

Our Clients

Since our establishment we have helped companies globally, developing leadership in information technology,
banking, oil & energy, automotive, manufacturing, health, insurance, non-profits and others.

Our Blog